Den svenske regering har besluttet at antallet af ulve i Sverige som der skal til for at holde bestanden i gunstig bevaringsstatus sænkes fra de nuværende 300 til 170.

Det er absolut forkasteligt, og kan desværre meget vel medføre at hele den Skandinaviske bestand uddør i løbet af en kort årrække. Bestanden var i forvejen truet på grund af indavl.

Det er meget populært at komme med bombastiske udtalelser i ulvedebatten. Det prøver jeg at afholde mig fra. MEN i dette tilfælde mistænker jeg Sveriges landdistriktsminister, Peter Kullgren og hans allierede for bevist at forsøge at udrydde ulven i Sverige.

I den anledning har jeg skrevet en opfordring til vores Europæiske allierede i Europa om at tage action på problemet. Om det hjælper? Sikkert ikke, men hvis vi ikke gør noget, sker der i alt fald intet.

Den svenske regering er ophøjet ligeglade med alt o alle i dette spørgsmål, og EU-kommissionen kan vi bestemt ikke regne med. Efter von der Leyen personligt er gået ind i debatten og startet en personlig vendetta mod ulven er det yderst tvivlsomt om vi kan vente en reaktion fra kommissionen. HVIS det skulle ske, vil de formodentlig først ske i forbindelse med Naturvårdsverkets obligatoriske indrapportering – i henhold til Artikel 17 i Habitatdirektivet – til EU i 2025.

Herunder kan du læse min opfordring til EAWC

I believe that NOW is the time for EAWC to act.

I would urge all members of the EAWC to take this threat from the Government of Sweden seriously.

Partly because it could very easily, once again, lead to the extinction of the wolves in Scandinavia. Linda Laikre has previously stated that the wolves in Scandinavia would not survive another 10-20 years, due to inbreeding. At the time Linda Lairke came with this statement, the population target was 300 wolves, if it is maintained that it will be changed to 170, the probability that the Scandinavian wolf population will not exist in 10-20 years is unfortunately quite high.

And partly because it could potentially have severe consequences for all wolves in the EU. The danger of other countries like Finland, France and Austria will follow suit is not hypothetical. But in principle any country might get the same “good idea” , especially those countries governed by a right wing government.

Dear friends, in my view, NOW is the time for the EAWC to show its worth. This issue must be tackled in the bud, which is why I would like to encourage all of us, as an association fighting for Europe’s wolves, to step up.

I would suggest that we devise a strategy for how to handle this task in practice.

My proposal is to write a protest against Sweden’s decision, which must be sent to both the Swedish government and the EU-commission. For the protest to have some weight, we might invite some researchers to sign it. I don’t know if it should be written as a call rather than a protest, if we involve the researchers.

We could perhaps send a draft of the protest/call to some “friendly” researchers, like Linda Laikre,  Guillaume Chapron, Ilka Reinhardt, Arie Trouwborst and possibly others. If we in this way can get something designed that they accept to sign, we can try to send it to the other leading researchers in Europe.

It will be very welcome with some feed back